Acceleration/Boosted Rate

If a user wants to increase the earnings, boosting the unlocking rate is essential. The way to achieve this is to add liquidity to the specific corToken pool and stak the LP tokens. This rate will determine how many additional corTokens you can obtain.

System Acceleration (SA)

The System Acceleration (SA) is composed of the time-dependent Reward Amplifier (AMP) and the Early Adopter Amplification (EAA).

where ts0 is the current time.

Reward Amplifier (AMP)

where tsg is the genesis time when the first corToken LP(s) is(are) staked, and Wi is the initial pre-set ratio that linearly decreases by the amount of Base Rate until it reaches and remains equal to Wu, another pre-set ratio.

AMP is determined by the Base Rate and time. When Base Rate is small, it implies that there are only a small amount of converted points, allowing users who stake corToken liquidity to achieve higher unlocking rate. In this scenario, AMP decays slowly over time.

Conversely, as Base Rate increases, AMP decays faster. This approach helps maintain the supply and demand balance of corToken distribution.

Early Adopter Amplification (EAA)

where X% is the initial pre-set incentive parameter.

EAA can be regarded as an extra boosted rate for early adopters or participation, as it will decrease to 0 over time by the amount of Base Rate. The earlier a user participates, the more extra boost will receive. EAA varies depending on the projects.

Your Acceleration/Boosted Rate

Individual Acceleration (IA) is determined by the System Acceleration and another essential parameter: the amount of the individual LP. The algorithm for a user's acceleration is as follows:

Where TL is total amount of locked corTokens, LPP is the user's liquidity percentage of specific pool, and ITL is the amount of locked corTokens that the user holds.

For example

If SA is 30%, the total locked corTokens are 10,000, Alice's LP ratio is 5%, and the locked corTokens Alice has are 1000, then we will get Alice's acceleration equal to 15%.

The result indicates that if all parameters maintained the same, Alice can unlock all corTokens with 15% boosted rate.

Last updated