Unlocking corTokens

No matter you're a beginner or a pro, your profits can be realized

Coral Finance has engineered an innovative Locked to Unlock (L.t.U) mechanism, which enables users to unlock their corTokens at a base rate, allowing for partial realization of their earnings in advance. Additionally, users have the option to accelerate the unlocking process by providing liquidity (LP).

Base rate

Once users obtain converted corTokens, they are granted a base unlocking rate, allowing them to secure early profits. Objectives of the L.t.U Mechanism:

  • Establish Points as a Market: Enhance functionality and scalability.

  • Preserve Long-term Value: Prevent point depreciation.

  • Ensure Rational Circulation: Maintain balanced flow within the Coral ecosystem.


Acceleration offers users the ability to unlock their corTokens at a faster rate compared to the Base. This feature is designed to enhance the ability to secure profits early and provide greater flexibility and benefits for users.

Key Features of Acceleration:

  • Faster Unlocking: Compared to the base rate, acceleration allows users to unlock their corTokens more quickly.

  • Increased Profits: By accelerating the unlocking process, users can realize their profits earlier, effectively enhancing their investment returns.

  • Multiple Options for Boosting (upcoming): Users can choose from various methods to boost their unlocking speed.

Note: After adding liquidity, users MUST stake their LP tokens generated from corSwap for boosting. Without staking, the unlocking speed will not be boosted.

Fee Structure

A small fee (1%) is charged when corTokens are unlocked to support the treasury and contributors to Coral. The detailed allocations will be announced soon.

Last updated